Breathe With Me exists as a reminder to take time and appreciate the good in your life.
To reconnect with a Grateful Heart, an Enriched Spirit, and a Peaceful Mind.
At Breathe With Me, experience a wide array of wellness activities and interactive events; many focused on Ancient Mayan Traditions such as clay baths, cacao ceremonies and pre-Hispanic sweat lodges or “Temazcal”. Surrounded by the mesmerizing landscape offered by Tulum – these activities take on an elevated near spiritual experience that has beneficially transformed many who have participated in the past.
Nevertheless – Breathe With Me also includes many other traditional activities such as Yoga, Dance Therapies, Healing Classes, Meditation sessions, Drum Circles, much more. Some of the highlights this year include activities like, “Drum Circle & Happiness Activation Dance”, “Binaural Sound Bath Meditation with Headphones”, and “Yoga with Rescue Puppies” aimed at benefiting the local canine population in Tulum.

Everything we do should integrate health and wellness practices. Self-awareness can be nurtured by simply slowing down and learning how to breathe again. Daily practices of integral health will allow you to reconnect with a grateful heart, an enriched spirit, and a peaceful mind.
These are just a few of the highlighted Breathe With Me artists that brought Miami 2023 to life.
Many more are not featured here.